This section includes a map of each track with the best line that I've found for getting a good time, as well as a specific strategy for racing on that track. Finally, there is also a section for each of the three racing tracks. Some of the info from the first section will overlap here, but if you're just looking for simple strategies and not an exact "walkthrough" for each racing track, this is where to look. The next portion of the FAQ is a basic racing strategy section. The basic job of this section is to quell rumors of Swoop Bike upgrades and racing on Korriban. _ = Introduction _ \_ The first portion of this FAQ is answers to the most common questions that are being asked on the message boards. Currently, the only websites with permission to host this FAQ are: If you are interested in publishing this FAQ in any way, shape or form, you may contact me at the above email address. All rights reserved.YES NO- Tatooine Map - Tatooine Strategy - Manaan Map - Manaan Strategy - Optional Manaan Racing _ = Legal Information _ \_ This document is the sole property of me, Kevin Walter. Regardless of the choice you make you'll also get 200xp for completing this quest and helping Queedle become Sector Champion. If you threaten him for more Credits he won't give you any extra since he has no more to spare. If you tell him to keep the Credits he insists that you take them anyway. Tell him to keep the Credits for Light Side Points or demand more Credits for Dark Side Points.

He'll also offer to give back your money when you speak with him again. Queedle will have upgraded his bike with your money and became the Sector Champion. Alternatively, if you start racing on Manaan and beat Queedle's time (the first round) he will quit racing and this Side Quest will be rendered moot.Īfter you've given Queedle 500 Credits you will need to leave this area and return to update the quest. You'll be able to give him 500 Credits to upgrade his bike and you'll receive 100xp and Light Side Points for doing so. When you first talk with Queedle he'll complain that he lacks the money required to upgrade his bike and compete with the professional racers. It's best that you speak with him before doing any Swoop Races on Manaan if you'd like to get the most possible Light Side Points during this quest. Queedle is found in the Swoop Track Registration area in the southern most portion of Ahto East.

Reward: Light Side/Dark Side Points and 300xp Queedle Swoop Racing Side Quest - Manaan (Kotor 1)Ĭut Off Point: When you visit the Unknown World